
Mixed mushroom soup Aa

5,60  EUR
Solyanka K

6,20  EUR


Mixed salat with yoghurt dressing Aa,C,G

6,70  EUR
Puff pastry case filled with a savoury mixture, mixed salat with yoghurt dressing A*,Aa,C,F*,G,H,J,K*,L,N

8,80  EUR
Mixed salat with tuna, yoghurt dressing and toast 2,Aa,C,G

8,70  EUR
Mixed salat with breast of chicken, yoghurt dressing and toast 2,Aa,C,G

9,60  EUR
Smoked salmon with horseradish, mixed salat and toast 2,5,G,M

10,50  EUR

Dishes of the pig

Brawn - home-made - with rémoulade and fried potatoes 2,C,K

13,60  EUR
Breaded escalope with mixed vegetables and potatoes Aa,C,J

19,10  EUR
Fresh black pudding and liver sausage with sauerkraut and potatoes Aa,J,K

16,20  EUR
Cabbage leaves stuffed with minced meat with potatoes Aa,J

14,40  EUR
Pickled knuckle of pork with sauerkraut and potatoes 2

18,90  EUR

Beef dishes

Rump steak with onions, fried potatoes and mixed salat

23,30  EUR
Beef olive (rolled and stuffed slice of beef) with red cabbage with appl and potatoes Aa,J,K

16,40  EUR

Dishes of the game

Wild boar goulash with red cabbage with appl and dumplings Aa,J,M

20,50  EUR
Wild boar roast with red cabbage with appl and dumplings  Aa,J,M

24,40  EUR

Dishes for children

Fish fingers with fried potatoes D,Aa

7,90  EUR
A half escalope with mixed vegetables and potatoes Aa,C,J

8,40  EUR


Braised leg of goose with red cabbage with appl and potatoes Aa

22,70  EUR
A half braied duck with red cabbage with appl and dumplings Aa,M

23,10  EUR
Leg of domestic duck with red cabbage with appl and dumplings Aa,M

20,60  EUR


Grilled and pickled herring in spice infusion and with fried potatoes D,Aa

11,50 EUR
Real fillet of white herring with onions, butter and potatoes D,G

12,70 EUR
Trout meunière with parsley potatoes D,Aa

17,30 EUR
Pike-perch fillet – fried with fried potatoes and mixed salat with yoghurt dressing Aa,C,D,G

19,60 EUR


Any questions? Contact our employees with confidence. We also fulfill special requests.
The list of additives as well as the allergeninfo can be found here.



Öffnungszeiten: 11°° - 21°° Uhr
Küchenschließung um 20°° Uhr
Montags und Dienstags Ruhetag
Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass wir in den Wintermonaten
und bei schlechtem Wetter ggf. früher schließen.
Bitte rufen Sie uns im Zweifelsfall vor einem Besuch an.

Kredit- oder EC-Kartenzahlung ist nicht möglich!

Tischreservierungen nehmen wir ausschließlich
persönlich oder telefonisch entgegen! 



Service from 11.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m.  
Kitchen closes at 8.00 p.m.
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Please understand that we may close earlier in
the wintermonths and in inclement weather.
Please call us in case of doubt before a visit.

Credit or debit card payment is not possible!

We only accept table reservations personally or by phone!